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Ropes Course

Youth and Family Service Ropes Course

People Inc.'s Youth and Family Service program is proud to offer a FREE Ropes Course for children, athletic teams and school/youth groups ages 9 - 17. The Youth and Family Service Ropes Course gives participants the chance to complete activities that contain mental and physical struggles along with emotional risk-taking in a safe setting. The Youth and Family Service Ropes Course helps participants to discover their personal courage and strengths which is a vital role in the development and collaboration of teamwork.

People Inc.'s Ropes Course is designed to help groups and individuals develop or enhance self confidence and esteem, build trust, and learn decision-making/problem solving skills while experiencing a new and fun adventure with their peers. The Ropes Course encourages participants to take risks in order to discover and face fears that may be holding them back from accomplishing goals and obtaining their own individuality. All Ropes Course participants are encouraged by staff to push their limits however; no one is ever made to complete any obstacles that they are uncomfortable completing.

What is a Ropes Course?

A Ropes Course is a challenging outdoor personal development and team building activity which usually consists of high and/or low elements. Low elements take place on the ground or only a few feet above the ground. High elements are usually constructed in trees or made of utility poles and require a belay for safety.

Where is the Ropes Course located?
Our outdoor Ropes Course is located at 205 S. JT Stites Blvd. Sallisaw OK.

What time does the Ropes Course Start and end?
The Ropes Course begins at 9:00am and ends at 3:00 pm.

What do I need to wear?
You will need to wear closed toed shoes and comfortable loose fitting clothing. We also recommend bringing a cooling towel during the summer months.

Do we get a lunch break?
Yes. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and drinks are provided at no cost to the group. We also provide snacks, fruits and Gatorade throughout the course of the day.

How do I sign my team or group up for the Ropes Course?
You can call our office 918-775-7787, extention 2411, M-F/8-5 and request to schedule your group for the Ropes Course. There are two forms that can be mailed, faxed or emailed that each participant must have signed by a parent or guardian before participating in Course. These forms can be downloaded here:

Ropes Course Consent Form
Youth Event Health Form
Media Release Form
2024-2025 Ropes Course Check List
Prevention Group Service Agreement
Register For Your Next Event

Are there any fees for Ropes Course?
No! Our Ropes Course is offered for free for groups of children between the ages of 9 - 17.

Do I need to bring anything with me?
Sunscreen! Also each participant is REQUIRED to bring all signed forms before he/she is able to participate in Ropes Course. To that end, we have provided a check list that you can download use to make sure you don't run into any obstacles.

All Participants will be supervised by Certified Ropes Course Instructors at all times.

*Hours can be adjusted or extended upon request.